Dave Balcombe ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP, BPE3*

I started taking photographs when quite young and soon learnt to process my own black and white photos. I was very active in the early 1980’s and worked as a part time freelance photographer for the local press. I gained my LRPS in 1983. There followed a number of year where photography took a bit of a backseat as other priorities took over. However I started taking it seriously again in 2014 and joined a local club and became competition secretary. I worked towards my ARPS and gained that in 2019. When the pandemic hit and we went into lockdown I started entering national and international salons with some success. I gained enough acceptances (over 100 in each) to be awarded my EFIAP and BPE3*. Finally in April 2023 I gained my DPAGB with 15 prints assessed by 6 judges. However having lots of letters after my name doesn’t make me a better photographer than anyone else but my photography did improve as I worked hard to bring my photography up to the required level.  Having achieved my goals I am now transitioning to a different style of photography tending more towards fine art and creative work and I am doing it for myself rather than to please judges.  I have started making handmade photobooks and this will require more of a project based approach to build a collection that works together. I am experimenting with Infra Red and using my mobile phone more for different creative styles.

Make it stand out.

I am a member of the RPS www.rps.org

Norwich and District Photographic Society www.ndps.inf

and the First Monday Group which is a small critique circle that meets once a month

Make it stand out.

I am a member of the RPS www.rps.org

Norwich and District Photographic Society www.ndps.inf

and the First Monday Group which is a small critique circle that meets once a month